Make a Difference

Please consider contributing to the festival to support us in this exciting new endeavor! If you would like to be part of this initiative through financial donation. Then please click on the link on this page. Thank you!

If you prefer to send a check, mail your contribution to:

Piano on the Rocks
10 Ocotillo Street
Sedona, AZ 86351

Piano on the Rocks is a non-profit organization 501(c)3 incorporate in Arizona and all donations qualify as a charitable deduction on your federal income tax return.

Gifts in Honor or Memory

Do you have a loved one who lived for music?

Supporting the Piano on the Rocks International Festival is a special way to honor a loved one. Make a gift in honor or in memory of someone. Piano on the Rocks will send a personalized letter to the person or family you are honoring, to let them know of your thoughtful donation.

Gifts in Honor or in Memory

We wish to thank our generous donors and supporting organizations:


The Anna-Maria Moggio Foundation

Arabesque Records

Piano Gallery of Scottsdale

Peter Van Mastrigt, Piano Technician (in memoriam)

The City of Sedona

Irv Ackelsberg

Sharon and Herbert Anderson

Sherri Anderson

Harriet Bachman

Maureen Barden

Charles Carr

Angela Chan

Donna Chesler (in memoriam)

Jill Claxton

Julie Cohen

Dan Dagle

Francoise and Charles Davis

Barbara DiToro

Lynne Easterday in honor of Sandrine Erdely-Sayo

Pamela Fields In honor of "The Music Man"

Gordon Wayne Fields

Bonnie and Jim Fletcher

Patty Fong

Robert Gesche

Mat and Christie Helm

Janice Hofmann

Patricia Hughey

Deborah Lyman

Lent and Olga Ostrom

Sharon Peterson

Janine Prat

Cynthia Raim

Bruce Robinson

Cintra Rogers

Joseph Rogers

Charles A. Rudin

Robert Rudesill

Harm Scherpbier

Cheryl Stetenella

Anne Tallent

Louis Tannen

Gloria Weismann

Betty Widersk